How to Use a Love Calculator

There are many love calculators on the Internet that are quite commonly used, but how to use a love calculator? Well, it depends on the love calculator that we decide to use on the Internet and the formula that they use. In matters of love and relationship, we all know how important it is to have…

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Non-Verbal Communication

This type of language in which words are not used, is closely linked to the unconscious that sends signals to the entire body and through its movements, the person expresses without knowing what is inside. In this way he is transmitting much more information than when he speaks. In communication, not everything is expressed by talking, in fact, it…

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How to Treat a Woman

They say that women are very complex to deal with, but in reality they do not have to go through what we go through daily, menstruation, work, children, body change, menopause, headaches and many more things that they come in the complete package. But that is not an excuse to be treated arbitrarily or in…

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What Is Assertiveness

It is likely that you have seen courses on the net to improve assertiveness. However, you may not know what this term means and if it has anything to do with you. Well, assertiveness is the ability to express our opinions and feelings and defend them. Nice term, right? In this article we want to show…

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