How to Write a Love Letter

Sometimes it is difficult to express what we feel out loud. We can have very clear ideas, but when we see the person we like or to whom we want to show our feelings, we stop. To make up for it, the solution is to write what we feel in a letter.

A love letter may sound like something very romantic, but it all depends on the intention you want to give it. The recipient does not have to be a romantic partner; it can be a father, a mother or even a friend. The important thing is to be clear to whom it is intended.

The objective of writing it, in addition to delivering it to the person (if we want and can), is that we stay comfortable and calm. Maybe we have a lot of feelings that we haven’t been able to convey and the only way to get what we have inside is by writing it down.

The letter does not have to reach its destination. It can be a way to let off steam and tell the paper what happens to us, knowing that it will never be delivered. Either because we don’t dare, because we don’t want to, or because the person it was designed for is no longer with us.

Do not leave anything to say, if you do not take advantage of the moment you may not have another opportunity as good as this. The most complicated thing is to sit down in front of the paper and the pen with the intention of writing, once this is done there is no turning back, the most complicated thing is to try, it is already done. So throw all the meat on the grill and don’t be afraid to say anything.

Instructions for writing a love letter

  1. Be very clear about the person you want to give it to. In your head there will be a name of who you want to give it to, or it may even be more than one person, as it can be if you write it for your parents. In this case, first follow the steps with one of them and then the same with the other. Each letter will be personalized.
  2. Before writing think about what you want to say. Make a list, albeit mental, of the things you want to tell. Once you have this it will be easier to write it. As you write, the list can grow. Keep adding things and when you put them on the paper, cross them out, so you will see how many things you have written and how many you have left. A way to encourage you to continue to finish what you have started.
  3. The first words will be the most complex, so the best thing you can do is get into the situation. Find a quiet place, where you can be for a long time without anyone bothering you. Even if you prefer, you can play your favorite music in the background to make your ideas flow better. Anything you think can help you write the letter will be a good option.
  4. Make a draft. With clear ideas, start writing. This will be a pattern on which you can rewrite, erase and improve what you have written. If you start writing ‘clean’, you will end up crossing out a lot of things. It’s better to write it ‘dirty’ and overwrite it on the sheets.
  5. Tell what you feel (be honest). Do not forget that you are writing because saying it to your face makes you more embarrassed. Take advantage of this and write everything that you would not dare to do ‘face to face’ (face to face). A trick to writing is to think: could I say it right now to his face? If the answer is “no”, you already have the solution: you have to write it down.
  6. From less to more. Since it is something very sincere and deep, it is best that you open up little by little. Leave what you find most difficult for last and start with what you feel most confident about telling. In this way, little by little you will have said what you think and feel, your heart will be opening step by step and it will be easier for you to end up saying what is most difficult for you.
  7. Convince the person. You may be writing it because you have made a mistake and want to correct it. In this case it is even more complicated than writing it to express your emotions without having made a mistake. If so, start recounting the beautiful moments lived and, as you may now be on a ‘break’, the best thing is that you imagine the future with the other person and get the recipient to imagine it too. Knowing thus all that he would lose if the relationship does not continue.
  8. When you’re done, replay ita couple of times. So you can also take the opportunity to tell something that you have forgotten. Do not leave anything in the inkwell, the most difficult thing was to decide to write and you have already done it. Once in it, do not stay with anything you want to tell and express.
  9. Find an envelope. The letter is already written. Now look for an envelope to put it in and give it to the recipient.
  10. Give it up (or don’t). The job is done, now it’s up to you to deliver it or not. You may have only written it to be honest with yourself and let off steam, but at no time did you have in mind to deliver it. If, on the other hand, you want it to reach its recipient, arm yourself with strength and do it.
  11. Wait for a reply. If you have decided to deliver it, you most likely want to know what the other person thinks. Don’t be impatient and wait, even though there may never be an answer. It will depend on whether everything you have written in the letter is reciprocated or not.

Tips for writing a love letter

  • Organize your ideas. Before you start writing, think carefully about what you want to write, otherwise you will erase, cross out and write more than necessary. When you know it, get on with it.
  • Date. If it is very difficult for you to start and you do not know how, start with a famous quote. Those phrases in quotation marks that someone famous has written and that can describe what you feel. This will make the following words easier.
  • Perfume it. It is something important and you will probably leave a mark on the person you are going to give it to, so put a few drops of your perfume on it. So, even if you don’t want to put your name, the recipient will know who you are and will always remember your scent.
  • Post a photo of yourself. Another option is to insert an image next to the letter. Thus, in addition to feelings, the person will have memories of the moments lived.
  • detail of both. The ticket from the first time you went for a drink, from when you went to the cinema or that bracelet or object that means so much to you. This will make the letter more special.
  • Like a story. You can make it more original by telling your story in the form of a story. Start with a “Once upon a time” and express what you feel in the form of a story, so in addition to being original it will be easier for you, because you will tell it in the third person.
  • Burn it (if the person is not there). You may not want to deliver the letter, that you simply wrote it to vent, or that the person to whom it is addressed is no longer around to give it to them. In these cases it is best to burn it. It is a significant way to close the open process since you have decided to take pen and paper. Although you can also keep it to reread it from time to time.

What do you need to write a love letter?

  • You need
  • Paper
  • Ballpoint
  • Your perfume
  • Clear ideas
  • An envelope
  • Imagination

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