Grilled Cuban Flank Steak

Flank steak is delicious when it’s marinated in Cuban flavors and grilled, and this tasty Grilled Cuban Flank Steak is a perfect idea for a low-carb meal. PIN the Cuban Flank Steak to make it later! In one of my previous lives, before I became a food blogger and a carb-conscious eater, I was president…

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Grilled Sweet Potato Salad

Grilled Sweet Potato Salad has creamy Feta Cheese and basil, and this is fun when you want something different to cook on the grill! And if you check the nutritional information, you might be surprised that it’s not too much of a splurge on carbs. PIN the Grilled Sweet Potato Salad to try it later! I’m…

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Spicy Grilled Eggplant (Video)

This Spicy Grilled Eggplant with red pepper sauce, parsley, and mint is a perfect summer side dish for anything that’s cooked on the grill! And if you think you don’t like eggplant, I’m urging you to give grilled eggplant a chance. PIN the Spicy Grilled Eggplant recipe to try it later! I first made this Spicy…

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