MindtoHealth Staff

MindtoHealth is a blog for improving your Mind health, helping you find ways for mental and sexual health. Keeping you emotionally and sexually fit and doing mental exercises may help maintain your brain's functions.

Sex in the Morning to Delay Aging

Having sex in the morning is not very common, but it could bring several benefits, among which is delaying aging. Keep reading: Sex in the morning to delay aging. Generally, sex at these early hours is called the morning. There are studies that show how convenient it can be; Queen’s University, among its different studies, states that having sex…

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How to Understand Asexual People

What is asexuality? When speaking of asexuality in the species, reference is made to the null interest that either of the two sexes can feel in reproduction. In the case of human beings, it is a lack of sexual attraction and general interest in sexual activity. Certain studies consider that asexuality can be understood as another type…

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How to Treat Your Psychopath

When we hear the word “Psychopaths”, we immediately think of movies with an antagonist that terrifies people; harassing them and subjecting them to endless stressful and even dangerous situations. But, the reality is that these people don’t just exist in the movies. In daily life we ​​can come across more than one. In fact, it is very likely that, at some…

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How to Tongue Kiss

Kissing your partner with tongue, or the French kiss, is one of the most romantic and at the same time natural experiences that you can have in your life. To know how to kiss with tongue, enjoy that kiss and that your partner feels the same, we recommend you read our article. You don’t really…

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Positions to Have Sex on the Side

Sex is one of the most pleasurable things in life and the more you experience it, the better. In the Kama sutra there are many positions and some of them dedicate time to those who want to have sex on the side. Although they are positions on the side and many times the penetration is done from behind,…

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Tricks to Lower the Rule

The period or menstruation is the female period in which the old unfertilized egg is exchanged for a new egg. This period, which usually lasts between 4 and 7 days, is a very painful period for women. When a woman is not pregnant, the egg must be replaced by another egg destined to be fertilized, that…

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How to Use a Tampon

The rule or menstruation is without a doubt one of the biggest annoyances that we girls have to suffer every month. And on top of that, a week before it comes, many women also have to suffer from premenstrual syndrome: our character shoots up uncontrollably (we get in a bad mood, everything affects us more…), our…

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